Crop sciences.

From the field to the lab.
Crop sciences, also known as agronomy, is a branch of agricultural science that focuses on the study and management of crops and plants that are grown for food, fiber, fuel, and other products. At T+S, understanding crop science is crucial, as it enables us to provide custom solutions that meet the unique needs of your land.
Understanding your land’s composition.
Our agronomists take soil samples from your fields to study its fertility, nutrient content, and other agricultural aspects, so we can recommend the best types of fertilizers, crop protection, and seed for your land.

Comprehensive crop care.
Our crop science program is designed to support every aspect of your farm’s health and productivity. We offer customized recommendations for pest control, strategic crop planning, and ongoing education to keep you ahead of industry trends. With a commitment to future research and development, we continuously strive to bring the best solutions to your fields, ensuring your crops thrive season after season.
Pest and Insect Disease Management
T+S agronomists help manage and protect your crops by working together to determine if they have been infected by diseases, pests, or insects. If your crops are at risk, we’ll recommend appropriate pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides to fix the issues.
Crop Rotation
Our agronomists can advise when crops need to be rotated throughout the farm to ensure you’re harvesting the highest quality crop yield possible.
Crop Planning and Selection
We’ll work with you to find the best seeds and crops for your specific farm and budget.
Future Research and Development
We work tirelessly with our partner vendors and internal research methods to advance our crop protection techniques and ensure the products we’re recommending for your land are of the highest quality.
Continued Education
We offer educational opportunities for our customers, including our annual grower’s meeting, discussing recent advancements and developments in agronomy and crop protection.
Let’s maximize your land’s unique potential.
Whether you’re looking for fertilizer solutions or best-in-class crop protection, our team is ready to help, starting with a custom quote.